Dive Deep

Smart Flood predictions

Earth Intelligence Engine is a FDL 2020 project that aims to help city planners communicate more effectively, more visually, and more intuitively about flood risks to support climate resilient infrastructure development through novel, photorealistic visualizations of coastal floods.
Earth’s vitals in real time
Reasourcewatch tracks natural disasters, monitors the changing environment, and global resources with timely data.
EarthNOW dashboard

Earth Now visualizes recent global climate data from Earth Science satellites. The visualized data include surface air temperature, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and water vapor, as well as gravity and sea-level variations.
EarthSpeaks x EarthDNA
The EarthSpeaks dashboard helps consumers understand and navigate the present and forthcoming challenges of climate change.

Help Us Heal Spaceship Earth
We are a newly-incorporated private nonprofit organization that seeks to motivate the transformative actions needed to assure the sustainability of humanity on our planetary home.